The element of EARTH represents the domain of physical form – where light is tightly bound into matter and everything manifests according to the laws of physics and nature.

Here we learn the cycles of cause and effect, growth and change, life and death. We bring our dreams into the world and watch them evolve. We put our relationships to the test, face challenges, experience suffering, seek answers, and develop compassion for others.

Rebalancing your relationship to the element of Earth is particularly helpful when struggling with challenges related to grief and loss, career, health, finances, and any other aspect of your physical reality. We recommend different types of cleansing with herbs or medicinal plants, nature offerings, and shifting things in your physical world. 

The Cycle of Earth

At a spiritual and energetic level, the Cycle of Earth encompasses the following aspects of life: 

  • Transformation. All of life transitions into and out of physical form, moving through birth, growth, death, decomposition, and regeneration that supports new life forms.
  • Action. This is the energy where life thrives, and myriad forms of plants and animal life explore their instincts, desires and aspirations as an interdependent web of creation. We experience adventure, challenge, triumph and defeat, learning and growing. 
  • Healing. In the process of exploring we hit walls, stumble and fall, get knocked out of balance. The energy of healing found in the medicinal plants helps regain balance and harmony on every level– body, mind and soul.
  • Compassion. As we heal from wounds, we naturally develop compassion for others experiencing similar challenges. This deepens our connections with the world around us and can accentuate an appreciation of life’s depth and beauty. 

Your Inner Earth

When the element of earth is in balance within you, your body is healthy. Your relationship with food and sustenance is healthy, and your daily routines feel manageable. The space around you in your home, your work feels positive. The people around you are generally supportive. You feel grounded, safe, and cared for.

When things are out of balance in the realm of earth, things don’t come together. Your health might suffer, your physical space may feel cluttered or unsettled, or your basic needs aren’t being met. Imbalances in other elements can affect your earth too, so notice whether your motivation, creativity, emotions, or your thought patterns are also playing a role. 

Often the response to imbalances in earth can be found in the physical world. Your daily routines, your home, your work. Take a look at what you’re seeing and interacting with every day – how can you make your days more positive and nourishing? What brings joy to you? How can you do more of that each day or each week?

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