With its combustive nature, FIRE represents the force that propels us forward through life. The element of Fire encompasses our passions, our creativity, our deepest purpose – and the various influences that motivate us.

Fire is also a powerful tool to help transform and release past traumas, burn away obstructions, and open the way for what is ready to emerge. Fire ceremonies can help you let go of what no longer serves you, and energize your creative spark.

The Cycle of Fire

At a spiritual and energetic level, the Cycle of Fire includes the following energies:

  • Creative Spark. The spark appears out of the darkness, where infinite possibilities are held. It contains the light and potential of what can become form if conditions are right. New ideas, the spark of a new relationship, and creativity bursts are all associated with this energy.
  • Movement. The spark gives way to flames, which are in constant motion. They don’t yet have a direction or destination, they simply dance and devour the fuel that sustains them. This energy of Fire keep the world in motion and life flowing.
  • Focus. The movement contained in the fire can be focused toward creation or shifted in a purposeful direction, beginning the creative process of differentiation. We can tap into this energy to set clear intentions and begin to forge a path toward manifestation.
  • Crystallization. Once we have a very clear idea of what will soon take on form, we begin to crystallize the creative fire. This step brings us toward the realm of Earth where things become manifest in the physical world.

Your Inner Fire

When our inner fire is in balance we carry a sense of strength and empowerment. We’re able to get things done, focus, and feel inspired and creative.

Sometimes however, we’re lacking fire. We feel tired, lethargic, and everything seems out of reach. Even if a great idea comes along, we let it go. Maybe it feels like too much energy and effort. Or we simply feel depressed and can’t quite put our finger on why.

On the other hand we sometimes find ourselves with too much fire. We have too many ideas or so much passion that we’re unable to really focus on anything in particular and bring it to completion. Too much fire can be distracting and throw our lives out of balance – through addictions or excessive sexual energy or so much creativity that we just can’t keep up in the physical world.

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