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Heal Your Energetic Wounds


We carry the imprints of unprocessed emotional shocks, traumas, and other painful experiences within our luminous body or energy field. The more challenging the situation, the deeper the impact tends to be. These imprints may begin as swirling clouds of surpressed emotion that don't find release, eventually condensing into compact energies that block our natural […]

Tame Your Anxiety


Anxiety is one of the most common mental health challenges that people face today. It is complex, with many layers and triggers. Addressing anxiety can require multiple strategies including healing old wounds, retraining negative thought patterns, and developing practices that cultivate both trust and connection.Confronting and processing your deepest fears is a powerful way to […]

Shift Your Ancestral Patterns


What makes us who we are as human beings is a fascinating question. We're influenced to varying degrees by the genes and patterns that are woven through our DNA; the family members we were raised with; our soul's long journey across many lifetimes; and the unique nature that embodies our essence and mission in this […]

Find Your Joy


Releasing old patterns and healing energetic wounds creates more space within us to welcome positive new energy into our lives. In this gathering we'll focus on what nourishes you, what ignites your spark, and what makes you feel joyfully alive.You'll have the opportunity to connect with different parts of yourself, each of whom carry fresh […]

Celebrate Your Essence


We each have our own unique essence, mirrored in the four elements and nature. Perhaps yours is like the flickering fire, the meandering stream, or the tree that takes root in a crack in the rocks and grows against all odds. Maybe you burst with creativity and emotion like the ocean. Or you’re solid like […]

Establish Your Boundaries


One of the great challenges that many of us face is maintaining clear boundaries with our words, our time, and our energy. As children we were conditioned to please others, and in the process may have blurred our sense of our own needs or the ability to protect them.In this gathering you'll explore the boundaries […]