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We all have guides who look after us from the spirit realms. They may be loved ones who have recently passed on, ancestors from generations past, angels, or spirit guides who have come to help us fulfill our mission here on earth. Learning who our allies are and how to communicate with them can be life-changing. Our guides are always available to help us, if we ask and know how to listen.

Course Content

This online, pre-recorded course covers the following:
  • An overview of the domains of Spirit and how different guides tend to work
  • How to raise your vibration to align with that of your guides of light
  • How to open sacred space
  • Journey to meet your celestial guides and soul family
  • How to build relationship with your guides
  • Methods for communicating with your guides
  • Drumming and dance techniques for approximating your guides
  • Journey to meet your principal guide
  • How to appropriately ask for help or advice
  • Ethics and limitations when working with spirit guides
  • Journey to meet an ancestor and heal family karmas

About the Instructor

Liz Gomez, founder of Ewassa, will be teaching this course. After living in West Africa in her early twenties, Liz came to understand the important role that ancestors and guides can play in our lives. Her experiences in West Africa helped her begin to make sense of the spirit forms that she had been seeing since she was young. Soon after returning from West Africa Liz discovered the Brazilian spiritual tradition of Umbanda in 1998, and began her development and initiation as a medium of light guides through a temple based in Sao Paulo. As a temple coordinator she then held weekly healing ceremonies for her guides to work with members of the public for many years. She maintains a close relationship with these guides of light to this day.

More recently Liz has been working closely with her energy medicine clients’ spirit guides, who often appear during one-on-one sessions to offer guidance to the client and help with their energetic or emotional healing. It is those experiences that have inspired her to offer this course so that more people can develop a direct line of communication with their own guides and ancestors.